Net Metering Solar Energy: How Does It Work?

Are you a Rhode Island homeowner considering solar energy for your property? With rising electricity costs, it’s no wonder why so many homeowners are exploring solar energy as a cost-saving solution. Did you know there’s an even better way to maximize your savings? Net metering is the secret to unlocking the full potential of solar energy in Rhode Island.

Understanding how net metering works can help you make informed decisions about your solar energy investment. Let’s break it down step by step so you can see just how beneficial it can be for your household.

Understanding Net Metering

Net metering is an incentive that lets homeowners with solar panels get credits for the extra power their system produces and shares with the electricity network, at the current retail rate. During times when your solar panels produce more energy than your home consumes, you offset your use and can “bank credit” for the excess energy that you ship back to your utility company through your meter. As a result, you can reduce or eliminate your electricity bill.

This is especially beneficial for homeowners in Rhode Island, as the state has one of the most generous net metering policies in the country and some of the most expensive electricity. Under Rhode Island’s net metering program, homeowners can offset their monthly bill cost at the retail rate and also receive credits for excess energy sent back to the grid. For example, if the utility charges $0.30 per kWh, then you’ll save $0.30 for every kWh you offset. You also get credit for the excess energy sent back to the grid at a slight discount to retail, usually about 10-15%

Net Metering Solar Energy: How Does It Work?

Rhode Island-Specific Net Metering Regulations

Each state in the US has unique net metering regulations, so you need to understand how it works in your area. The Rhode Island Public Utilities Commission (PUC) regulates the net metering program in Rhode Island. Here are some key points to know about net metering in this state:

  • Net metering can be used by residential property owners to offset up to 100% of their energy consumption as measured by the 1 or 3 year average consumption.
  • Customers may roll over excess credits for up to a year; after that period, compensation will occur at a rate lower than the retail electricity price.
  • There is no limit on the number of customers who can participate in net metering.
  • You can switch between utility companies without losing your credits.
  • The PUC reviews and updates net metering regulations every few years to ensure fair compensation for customers.
  • For Block Island residents, the Block Island Power Company (BIPCo) offers a separate net metering program with slightly different regulations. The same goes for PUC-regulated municipal utilities like Pascoag Utility District. (Note: Newport Solar does not service these areas)

For a full breakdown of net metering regulations in Rhode Island, be sure to check the PUC’s website or consult a reputable solar energy company like Newport Solar.

The Benefits of Net Metering

If you want a solar power system for your Rhode Island property, you can participate in net metering and take advantage of the following benefits:

  • By generating your own electricity, you’ll reduce the amount you need to purchase from your utility company and lower your monthly bills.
  • With net metering, you’ll receive credits for unused energy that goes back to the grid. You can use these credits to offset future electricity costs.
  • As electricity prices go up, you’ll see increased savings over time. This can make your solar investment even more financially lucrative.

Net Metering Solar Energy: How Does It Work?

Is Your System Eligible for Net Metering?

Not all solar systems qualify for net metering. Let’s explore the criteria for eligibility in Rhode Island and how you can determine if your system qualifies.

  1. Your electricity provider must offer net metering.
  2. You must have a solar power system that meets state and local regulations and connects to the grid.
  3. Your system must be sized appropriately—not too big or too small—to meet your home’s energy needs while allowing for surplus generation. It should be able to produce no more than the average annual electricity consumption of your home over the past three years.
  4. You must certify your system with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) and register it with your utility company.
  5. Your system must be installed on your property and owned by you.

If your system meets all of these criteria, then you’re likely eligible for net metering in Rhode Island. Still, it’s essential to consult a reputable solar energy company like Newport Solar to make sure your system is installed and registered correctly.

Steps To Determine Eligibility

Determining if your system is eligible involves a few steps:

  • Assessing your annual electricity consumption over the past three years
  • Designing and specifying the solar array on your roof or property
  • Sizing the solar array to ensure the system is appropriately sized.
  • Submitting an application to Rhode Island Energy and register your system with your utility company.

Working With Newport Solar

Partnering with Newport Solar simplifies the process. Our expert team will evaluate your energy needs, design a custom solar solution, and guide you through every step of the installation process. With over 900 systems installed in Rhode Island, Newport Solar has the experience and knowledge to ensure your system is eligible and optimized for maximum savings!

Net metering is a fantastic way for Rhode Island homeowners to save money and contribute to a cleaner environment. By understanding how it works in Rhode Island and ensuring your solar energy system meets eligibility criteria, you can make the most of this innovative billing system.

Ready to explore how net metering can benefit you? Newport Solar, a team of solar installers in RI, is here to help. We provide quality, affordable solar power solutions for Rhode Island homeowners, with a focus on exceptional customer service and satisfaction. With 5-star ratings across the board, you can trust Newport Solar to help you harness the full potential of solar energy in Rhode Island for the life of your solar array. If you want to install a new solar system on your property that meets net metering requirements, contact Newport Solar today to schedule a consultation. Let’s work together to make your home more energy-efficient and cost-effective!


The Newport Solar staff was customer oriented and highly motivated. This included all the various staff from initial assessment to final turn-on.